
3 yo. Vancouver.

honey is available to adopt in vancouver!

Honey was in an accident and is now sight and hearing impaired. When she was found, she was petrified of everything. Now, with the amazing care of a foster, she has blossomed into a carefree lady who adores running around with her dog friends at the beach!

She would do best in a home with another dog because she likes to follow them around (they are sort of her own guide dogs - so cute). She will even be good with a resident cat, as she is cat-friendly indoors.

She has been crate trained. If you have friends over she would prefer to be in her bed or crate and, on her own time, come over to say hello and sniff at her pace.

She does great on-leash, so she is ready to join you and your family walking the neighbourhood or the local beach!

Honey’s journey back to herself isn’t complete yet - we can wait to see how this gal is doing in a year!!

If you think you have what it takes to provide Honey with her home, then please read the ADOPT section of our website and submit your application!



